
Understanding the July 2023 Changes to Florida Alimony: A Simple Guide

Posted by Antonio G. Jimenez, Esq. | Oct 18, 2023 | 0 Comments


Navigating the complex waters of alimony in Florida has always been a daunting task. However, with the recent revisions made in July 2023, there are new nuances individuals dealing with post-separation financial matters need to understand. This article simplifies these changes, breaking down the essentials to help you grasp how they might impact your circumstances.


Alimony, often referred to as spousal support, is a provision given to a spouse after a divorce, based on the couple's financial history and individual needs. The concept is designed to prevent unfair economic effects caused by a divorce, ensuring a financially weaker spouse isn't left in dire straits. Before we dive into the changes, remember, the laws can be intricate, and personal situations vary widely; consulting with a legal professional is always recommended.

Key Changes in the July 2023 Revision:

1. Alimony Duration Caps:
One of the most significant changes is the introduction of caps on the duration of alimony payments. Unlike the previous laws, where judges had more discretion in determining the period, the 2023 revision sets specific limits. These caps are influenced by the length of the marriage, ensuring that alimony isn't a perpetual obligation, especially after short-term marriages.

2. Changed Income Considerations:
The revision has refined what constitutes 'income' for the purpose of calculating alimony. This change impacts individuals with various income structures, including self-employed individuals and those with irregular incomes. For instance, non-recurring income may now be treated differently, potentially affecting the final alimony calculations.

3. Retirement and Alimony Modification:
The new laws bring a sigh of relief for payers approaching retirement. The July 2023 changes stipulate clearer terms under which alimony obligations can be altered or terminated due to the payer's retirement, taking into account the retirement age and financial situations of both parties involved.

4. Cohabitation Clauses:
Another pivotal change is how alimony is affected when the recipient starts cohabitating with another partner. Whereas previous regulations were somewhat unclear, the new revisions provide a more definite structure. The payer may now request a modification or termination of alimony if the recipient is cohabitating, acknowledging that financial needs may substantially shift under such circumstances.

5. Specific Calculations for Different Types of Alimony:
Florida recognizes different types of alimony (temporary, rehabilitative, durational, or permanent). The 2023 revision fine-tunes the specific conditions and calculations for each kind. This precision aims to create more predictability and fairness in how alimony orders are established and executed.


These changes to the Florida alimony laws signify a move towards a more structured and predictable system. They affect various aspects, from payment durations to the conditions for modification, all with the intent of creating a fairer process for both parties. However, the complexities of individual cases are far-reaching. If you are navigating a divorce or dealing with alimony adjustments, it's prudent to engage with a knowledgeable family law attorney who can guide your steps in light of these revisions. Keeping abreast of these changes is crucial, as they may have significant implications for your financial future post-divorce.

About the Author

Antonio G. Jimenez, Esq.

Managing Attorney and Founder


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